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HPV vaccinations – Year 8 Boys and Girls

HPV vaccine is offered to all boys and girls from Year 8. HPV Vaccine protects against cervical cancer, some mouth and throat cancers and some cancers of the anus and genital areas.  The School Health team will visit Gordon's to vaccinate the students. Further information will be given and parental consent will be requested prior to the start of the programme.

Final School Booster and Meningitis ACWY (DTP) – Year 9 Boys and Girls

Your child would have received vaccinations as a baby and pre-school child against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio (DTP) and Meningitis as part of the UK Routine Childhood Immunisation Schedule. When your child is in Year 9 they will need a booster dose of these immunisations to keep them protected. The School Health team will visit Gordon's to vaccinate the students.  Further information will be given and parental consent will be requested prior to the start of the immunisation.

Influenza - According to National Guidelines

The annual seasonal influenza (flu) vaccine will be offered according to the national rollout programme for the year as a nasal spray vaccine. The School Health team will visit Gordon's to vaccinate the students.  Further information will be given and parental consent will be requested prior to the start of the immunisation. Further information regarding current thinking and future developments in Influenza Vaccination is available on the NHS website at

Influenza – Residential Boarders only

The Influenza (flu) vaccine is offered free of charge to people over the age of six months who are in an ‘at risk’ group to ensure that they are protected against catching flu and developing serious complications. You are in an ‘at risk’ group if you suffer from certain long-term illnesses such as Asthma or Diabetes. Residential students eligible for this vaccination will receive it in October or November from the Chobham and West End Medical Practice. The vaccination is given annually. This is because the flu virus continually changes and different types of flu virus circulate each winter. Further information regarding current thinking and future developments in Influenza Vaccination is available on the NHS website at

Travel Vaccinations – Residential Boarders only

Travel vaccinations and/or Malaria prophylaxis for Full Residential and Weekly Boarders can be arranged via the Medical Centre as required. Vaccinations are generally carried out at the local GP’s surgery and incur a cost that will be charged to the student's account.

Tetanus - All Students

If your child has not been immunised against Tetanus, please arrange for this before your child joins the school.